Hive Connector (Legacy) works, new Hive Connector doesn't


I have connected to hive with the legacy connector and now I’m migrating to the new connector. The new on with the same setup doesn’t work. In Attachment preferences and workflow.

Does someone has the same Problem ?
Thank you,
preferences_hive.txt (13.9 KB)
KNIME_hive.knwf (20.6 KB)

Thank you

Hi @tebaldir,
since most here probably do not have a big data environment to test this with, could you also share the error message you are receiving? Most helpful would be the snippet from the KNIME log where the error occurred.
Kind regards

Hi there @tebaldir,

from a quick look and experience from forum I would say URL shouldn’t be same in those two connectors. Have you checked documentation on new database framework on how to register driver, write JDBC URL and add JDBC Parameters?

And why using DB Connector instead of Hive Connector?



Hello tebaldir,
as Ivan already pointed out, we recommend to use the specific connector nodes e.g. Hive Connector node instead of the generic DB Connector node whenever it is possible. However to use the nodes with your own driver you need to specify the correct JDBC URL which is used when connecting to the database. In the preferences file you attached I see that the URL template is not correct. It should be something like:
whereas <host>, <port> and [database] are place holders which are filled in with the values from the node dialog. For further details on JDBC URL template syntax have a look at the documentation.

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many thanks for the answers. The suggestion of tobias was right! With Hive Connector works everything!

many thanks everyone.

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I’m glad it works now. So I will close this thread.