@ajackson I have collected a few resources from (mostly) german companies. Most of them have some sort of community strategy and internal program to promote KNIME.
We have some sort of internal social network where there is a KNIME group with a significant number of participants. Also a Slack or Team channel might be a start. If possible you might want to search for one or two additional people to form a small group. It is more fun that way
Also, you might want to check if your company offers some sort of (up-)skilling program. You might want to contact HR if it would be possible to set up a program with KNIME. One idea could be to use the existing courses on https://knime.learnupon.com and schedule a weekly or bi-weekly mentoring session if you can not do the whole instruction yourself. This of course will need some level of self-motivation by the participants (but they would need that anyway).