how can install lookup and coloumn node in knime analytics

how can install lookup and coloumn node in knime analytics

The simplest install it from here

I want to install lookup and add column node in knime.

I want to install above node but trying this link

not able to access due to permission.
You don’t have permission to access this resource.”
Please advice how can access it.

Hi @ranjeetsingh0702 -

The easiest way to install extensions in KNIME 4.1 is via drag-and-drop from the KNIME Hub. The node you’re looking for is here: Lookup and Add Columns.

On that page, on the right hand side, you’ll see this:

2020-04-07 14_07_49-Window

Click the orange box, and drag it into the canvas of an existing workflow in your KNIME AP. You’ll be prompted to install the extension - follow the prompts, reboot KNIME and you should be all set.


Hi Team,
I am getting the below issue when i am tryng to use this lookup and add columns node. The error message are as follows
“ERROR Lookup and Add Columns 0:36 Execute failed: License is not correctly set”
Kindly guide me how to fix this issue.

Hi there -

The extension that includes this node, the Schrödinger Extensions for KNIME, requires a license. You’ll have to contact them to obtain a trial version (and ultimately, pay for one). Check the link for details.

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