Hi there. I am new to Knime and I can’t find the answer any where. I am starting with a database table “Production Info”. I am trying to make an app where the user can input a production number string. I want to take their input and compare it to the production number column in “Table 1”. If their number is not in that column, I want to display text that says “Your number is invalid”.
Sorry the workflow I posted won’t work. Must have still been asleep when I did it. Try this one. It depends on your production number sorting above “ZZZZZZ”. This should be ok for any realistic number set. But check it. Compare User Input to Table.knwf (117.0 KB)
FYI - I tried replacing the Sorter and Row Filter nodes with the Top k Row Filter node which does both sorting and filtering in one node. I thought that might improve performance. Actually the performance (checked with Timer Info node) was marginally worse.