How to configure Get Request to retrieve JSON

Dear all,

I was wondering is there any of you ever tried to retrieve the data using GET REQUEST node from any URL, especially contain JSON?

Since there are no more KREST extension in latest version of KNIME,  I tried to retrieve the data using the new node available called "GET REQUEST"  and I found some difficulties using it and configure it. Here is one of the example of URL that I want to retrieve : .

What I have done so far is I tried to configure the Get Request node by put the url into it and write JSON on the body column name under Flow Variables configuration, and connect this node to JSON Path, but It doesn't work and there's a warning from JSON Path as wel which is: No Column in Spec compatible with JSONValue

Anyone can help me out of this?



The current blog post is doing this

It refers to the workflow on the EXAMPLES Server under 01_Data_Access/05_REST_Web_Services/02_IBM_Watson_News-Google_News.

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