How to create a new string depending on value in other column

I have a file that looks like this:

In the column “curve_fit_param” there should be a string depending on the value in column “RESULT”.
If the value in column “RESULT” is 'Invalidated" then there should be the value “Linear” in column “curve_fit_param” .
Is there any other value in column “RESULT” then there should be the word “hill:” and the values of column “IC50”, value of column “HILL”, the value of column “MIN” and the value of column "MAX.
like this :“hill:0.0473,1.25,-3,98”

is there a node where you can concatenate data depending on the value in another column?



Hi Ron!

Column Expression node is the one where you can combine columns and strings with conditions. You can try that or other option is to use two nodes. First use String Manipulation node to get new column and after that Rule engine node where you will take value from new column or put “Linear”.


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Hi Ivan,

the Column Expression node is not available in the Knime I use. therefor i will try the other suggestion.
Is there a possibility to add missing nodes?



Hi Ivan,

the combination of String Manipulation node and then Rule engine node solved the problem.

Thanks again


Hi Ron!

Column Expression node is available from 3.6 version and has to be installed from extensions. Go to File —> Install KNIME Extensions and then find and install the node you need.


Hi Ivan,

I have version 3.3.4 installed
And if I go to Install KNIME Extensions then I get this list

There iare no nodes of version 3.6 included.
So I first have to upgrade KNIME to version 3.6 before i can download these new nodes.

