How to delete a KNIME Workspace


Our KNIME users were showing all of their system folders in the Local Workspace as shown below. I fixed the issue by creating a new workspace, however, the old workspaces still appear on startup and when clicking file >> switch workspace.

How do I delete references to all of the old workspaces? I tried adding ‘-clean’ to the knime.ini file, but that didn’t work. Thank you!


Hi @Haystack,

Go to the “File” tab, select “Preferences” and then “General” / “Startup and Shutdown” / “Workspaces”.

There you can remove workspaces.

You could also select “Other” from “File” tab -> “Switch Workspace” and then right click on the workspace in “Recent Workspaces” and remove it from launcher selection.



@armingrudd, Thank you, that worked!

  • Haystack

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