How to import

Sounds easy, and probably is. I don't think the Access is actually restricted, so the error

Access restriction: The type MinMax is not accessible due to restriction on required library [...]\plugins\org.knime.base_2.11.0.0045443\knime-base.jar

should be coming from having my dependencies in the wrong order or something along that line. What is a correct ordering? Or do you have another idea what I might be doing wrong?

It looks like was not exported, so access is restricted, you cannot reference the contents of that package.

So the complete statistics stuff is for internal use only? o_O

Smells like defeating the purpose of developing such tools... but as it looks like you went through several iterations already, maybe you're waiting for it to stabilize... Good to know. I'll be waiting, too, then.

Thanks, Gabor.

The older version seems to be exported, without the calculations package. It might contain the parts you need even though those might contain less features. Even if those get deprecated, they are available till 3.0 I think.