How to predict the third internal marks based on two internal marks

I’m totally new to KNIME tool. Currently I’m learning, how to do analytics in KNIME. I want to predict the third internal marks of students based on their two internal marks.
For example,
Students 1st Internals 2nd Internals 3rd Internals
max 36 67 ?
john 80 55 ?
jack 38 45 ?
june 88 89 ?
Please guide so as to which type of predictor i have to use and how to make sure that the obtained prediction is accurate or not.

Hi @meliater

Welcome to the forum.

You say in your post that you’re new to KNIME and you’re leaning how to do analytics in KNIME. What’s your data analytics background in general?

How would you tackle this problem if you weren’t using KNIME?

I ask because this really reads as a data science problem and not a KNIME-specific problem. You’ll need to do some homework and think about which technique is best for your application. Any Data Science course/website/textbook will cover these. Only then should you start on implementation using KNIME.

If you’re looking for KNIME-specific introductory materials:

Here is the KNIME Machine Learning Cheat Sheet.

Here is the KNIME introductory course chapter on predictive analytics

Here is a series of books. The one on Practicing Data Science is probably going to be the most instructive for you

I suspect that your example isn’t a great one for learning on. Making predictions from such a small amount of data is iffy at best.


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