How to use AUTOML (Regression) Node

I am facing error while using the AUTOML (Regression) Node. On connecting the data port to the AUTOML node, and clicking for the configuration, it is not allowing me to select the target variable.

Can someone give me an helping hand on how to use this node?

Thanks in advance

Could you provide a sample of the dataset and the workflow? My guess would be that automl (regression) likely can’t recognize a numerical variable in the dataset. Perhaps there are missing/bad values causing the column to be casted as string instead?

No allowing to select the target col.

All the variables are converted to numeric before sending to the learner/predictor
All the variables are converted to numeric before sending to the learner/predictor

@Smrithi_Kumar maybe try to use a Domain Calculator

It’s interesting that your options pane looks totally different to mine:

Are you using KAP 5.4.x? Can you provide your Workflow?

@ActionAndi I think the question is about the automl components not the H2O variant.