Identify table if existing on a mdb.file

Hi guys,

Is there any other node aside from Database List Tables Node and database Table Exists IF Switch Node that I can use to identify if a specific table is existing on a mdb.file? Currently I was using Microsoft Access Connector to read the mdb.files but Database List Tables Node and database Table Exists IF Switch are not compatible since it was for legacy type nodes only.
Your suggestions will be of great help.


Hi @Gambit -

Those are nodes from the Vernalis community extension, so let me tag @Vernalis and @s.roughley to see if they have plans to support the new DB nodes.


Hi @ScottF,

Thanks for the support. Really appreciate it Sir.


Thanks Scott.

We are working with KNIME on making these available, hopefully to coincide with the KNIME summer release. Unfortunately, a few minor changes are required to the inner workings of the KNIME new ‘DB’ plugins in order to make this possible. I will post in the @Vernalis category about this too, as there are others who have contacted us about these nodes too.



Hi @Vernalis ,

Thank you for the response. Do you have any recommendation regarding this? I am reading a .mdb type file on my local PC. Can I use other .mdb file reader that is compatible with the nodes I mentioned?


I’ve not really used Microsoft Access mdb files as a database source, but if you want to stick with the old style connection then the following two forum topics might help:


Otherwise, if you want the new DB-style connections now, then the only think I can think of at the moment is some sort of try-catch node set-up around a


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