Hi there,
I am a newbie. Yesterday i want to import a zip file with the workflow to my windwos PC.
I have carried out the following steps
in the desktop I have the folder ‘KNIME data’ with the zip file
in KNIME, version 5.3.2, under menu, I selected ‘switch workspace’
pop up appears with the path ‘C:\Users\Rose\Desktop\Knime Data’
after launch, KNIME opens without content
In desperation, I entered ‘C:\Users\Rose\Desktop’ and then KNIME took all the files from my desktop including the workflow from the zip file. The worklow appears.
My question is, how can I select only the zip file without Knime copying all my personal files into the new workspace?
To import just the workflow from your ZIP file without changing the workspace, follow the below steps:
Keep Your Workspace Path: Set your workspace to a dedicated folder (e.g., C:\Users\Rose\Desktop\Knime_Workspace). This makes sure all KNIME work stays here.
Use KNIME’s Import Feature: Go to File > Import KNIME Workflow…
In the pop-up, select the specific ZIP file you want to import, and KNIME will import only the workflow within that file, leaving other files untouched.
When you create a workspace, some default items, like Example Workflows, are automatically generated. If you then create a new workflow, additional files will be created to support its functionality.
If you’d prefer a fresh workspace, you can delete all these files from your desktop and start with a clean workspace.