In KNIME, Is there a way to search for non-ascii characters in a csv file

If I add Column Filter it just lists all my columns as one big column and String manipulation is giving me errors.

Here is what I have so far for a workflow.

_Looping_over_all_columns_and_manipulation_of_each 1.knwf (23.0 KB)

Hi @sgilmour,

you need Column Filter prior to loop start. Remove all columns you don’t need.


Doesn’t seem to like my string expression. Plus not sure if I should use the names of my Columns since they are not listed in string manipulation or use the Anonymous_column name.

Hi @sgilmour,

your expression is fine only has one “)” more than it should.


Hi Ivan,
Another issue I noticed with the new column after seeing the CSV file is that now NO LOT NO is NOLOTNO with no spaces in between and I have a Town Acworth and in the new column it is Acorth because it removed the w from the name.

Hi Ivan,
When I have more than one item in a column then it is messing up my rows and adding rows.
I changed my regex regexReplace($ANONYMOUS_COLUMN$,"[^u0000-u007F]+/n" ,"" ) by adding /n for newline but this didn’t help. I did this to remove any /n when I import it into my python program.

I will give you an example of what is happening:

So you can see it is messing up my rows when it is has more than one item in a row, and also it is removing the numbers with leading 0’s.
I would like it to keep leading 0’s since that is part of the ID #'s How can I fix this issue,
Thanks again for your help,

Hi there @sgilmour,

you should definitely check that regex. It is one I found on Internet and haven’t tested it. Especially considering you have more lines in single cell. Leading zeroes are removed in case string column is converted to number column. Maybe that is happening in one of your nodes.


Thanks I will keep searching so far no luck

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Thanks Ivan,
I think I will start a new post for the regex issues

The solution above fixed my issue with the Workflow as I was able to run the workflow without errors.
I did have issues with regexReplace but I started a new post to resolve this issue.

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Hi @sgilmour,

glad you made it to some degree :slight_smile:


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