Interactive Range Slider Filter Widget does not refresh a Table View

hi :slight_smile:

I have a Range Slider Filter Widget connected to a Table View and it seems that the filter is not applied to the table when the value is changed interactively. A Java Script Table View is updated correctly as expected.

The filter is applyed only if I save, close and reopen the component UI

table-refresh.knwf (80.9 KB)

I could just stick to the JS Table View but the regular Table View has more UI features (such as searching in a given column, scrolling in the table, displaying the total number of rowns on the top of the table …)

Did I miss something in my component setup?

thanks in advance :pray:

Hello @JanC,

The Refresh Widget might solve the issue here, but as of now it hasn’t been implemented on all the widgets which include the Interactive Range Slider.

I would use the JS Table for what you are looking for currently. It has selections in the config for interactivity depending on what you want (includes selections, searching, searching on column,page size…) I do not believe you can scroll, but you can enable pagination in the config:

I will add a +1 to UIEXT-341.



Hello @JanC
Unfortunately the widget family nodes don’t work interactively, you would need to implement a ‘Refresh Button Widget’ within your dashboard’s component. Placing it in a previous position to target widget nodes.



thanks for your suggestion. The refresh buttons seems to do the workaround.

As a new user of Knime, I’d like to give a bit of feedback though :slight_smile: It is quite confusing for a new comer to decide what UI element to use when buliding an interactive dasboard as most of the UI elements have several versions

Just for this simple use case, I have to chose from

  • Table View
  • Table View (Java Script)
  • Interactive Ranger Slider Filter Widget
  • Range Slider Filter Definition (Legacy)

Added to that is the different behaviour if the UI elements. The name of "Interactive Ranger Slider Filter Widget " indicates that it’s meant to be used in an interactive manner but as you just wrote, it does not work interactively.

Other widgets such as the “Multiple Section Widgets” do offer a “Re-execution” option that actually refreshes a Table View. I would expect that option to be present in all UI widgets that allow interaction.

I believe it would really be heplful to have a small guide to help users to decide which widget to use (Legacy vs non Legacy, JavaScrit vs non JS) …

The UI building is the only part I struggeled with. The rest of Knime is actually very intuitive and offers really a great flexibility which is awesome :+1:


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