I would deinstall all R packages from KNIME as there are
- R integration for KNIME
- R Scripting extension (third party extension)
- R Binaries (for Windows)
I would then make sure that you have the latest R Version (3.5.1) on your computer, that you can do something with it via RStudio.
Install the latest version of RServe (1.8-6)
install.packages(‘Rserve’,"http://rforge.net/", type="source”)
that you can load the RServe library in R, like:
Rserve(args = “–vanilla”)
then you should just reinstall the ‘official’ R integration for KNIME and point the preferences to the location of your R version. Press apply and make sure there are no error messages like ‘no RServe found’.
Not sure if a clean start of KNIME might also help