Knime 3.1.1 and R


I need your help, when i execute de RSnippet, I get this message:

ERROR R Snippet            0:180      Execute failed: Cannot determine major version of R. Please check the R installation defined in the KNIME preferences.


1)I would have  Knime 2.11.2 and it was perfect with RSnippet

2) I've intalled package Rserve in my local R and in \KNIME\plugins\org.knime.ext.r3.bin.win32.x86_3.0.3.v201508240951\R-Inst

3) I've modified the Knime/Preferences/R and I still have the error



Hi acastanob,


the R installation in the "org.knime.ext.r3.bin.win32.x86_3.0.3.v201508240951" plugin should already have the Rserve package installed. You could try updating it.

While editing the preferences, there should be errors/warnings when editing the "Path to RHome". Try putting in an invalid path. If there are no errors, you should try updating the R integration plugin aswell.


I hope that helps! Regards, Jonathan.

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