Hi there,
I try to run Knime 5.4.0 on a powerful Win7-64bit machine. After installation (personal OR for all users) the software starts up and after setting the paths and rights crashes with the failure message "An error has occurred. See the log file. “C:\users\lmfadmin\knime-workspace.metadata.log”. I already reinstalled, inserted the line with the higher timeout (90000 for me) in the knime.ini and changed all rights on the installation folder and the workspace-folder. Also reinstalled Java SDK 17 and set the jvm.dll in the knime.ini .I Still I get the message. Could someone please have a look into my files and let me know what I can do to get it running?
Best regards, Jan
.log.txt (851.8 KB)
knime.log.txt (3.9 KB)