KNIME AI Extension Not working in 5.2.5

Hi guys,

I had to downgrade to KNIME 5.2.5 due to KNIME server and executor incompatibility issues. Now I am unable to load workflows which are using the KNIME AI extensions. I have installed the extension, and the only available one is version 5.2.6, however I am unable to find the respective nodes when I search, and the nodes show up as missing in workflows where they are used.

In scanning the logs, I can see that python is not being found. It does appear that conda is not set up properly on my KNIME, and I am not sure what the exact issue is. I have specified the path to conda in my preferences as:


But this configuration is stuck at ‘testing conda installation’.

I’ll appreciate the help!

knime.log (471.1 KB)

Hello @TosinLitics,

the log indicates that loading the AI Extension fails because the 5.2.6 version of org.knime.python3 can’t find a class in the org.knime.core plugin, which was introduced in 5.2.5. Which version of org.knime.core is installed is not mentioned in the logs.
Can you check which version is installed?
You can find the version under Help → About KNIME Analytics Platform → Installation details → Plugins by searching for org.knime.core

Best regards,