KNIME Books & Videos?

Are there any data mining books that show step by step how to implement the procedures in KNIME?
I was also wondering if there are any video tutorials that show how can one use KNIME.

In my limited experience with this tool it seems like a great application to use for data mining, so I
was thinking that additional learning resources such as books and videos would help develop my skill using the application faster.


Hi Paul, I guess you have seen the book mentioned here. The other obvious choice is the screencast section, and the help. I think it would be useful if there were a collection of presentations for youtube, vimeo, and other sources. I have some HCS related videos.

Hi Paul,
I can understand your question very well as I am in a similar situation.

Take a look at this book: Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Second Edition)

It is written by the developers of Weka and very accessible. As Weka is part of KNIME it is a perfect fit to start learning Data Mining.


Thank you very much for your replies !!

I actually haven’t seen the paper you were referencing aborg. I’m assuming this KNIME artcle is one of the papers in the book you were referencing as it doesn’t look like the whole book shows how to implement all those models in KNIME … that would have been nice :slight_smile:

I will also check out those HCS videos.

Dominik, I actually just bought that WEKA book :slight_smile:
From what I hear WEKA doesn’t allow you to predict models on a new data set, but looks like
I can use WEKA to develop a model in KNIME and also score the model on a new dataset in KNIME so you get the best of both worlds that way :slight_smile:

Still, I can’t help but think that such a nice tool like KNIME deserves to have more learning material and resources like videos, books etc.

We are currently working on a book which should be available in summer 2010 - for some odd reason you can already order it online:

The book will cover the entire data analysis process end-to-end and will include many examples using KNIME.

Note, however, that an open source platform such as KNIME also benefits from community contributions. If some of you out there have teaching or other KNIME related material to share, please let us know. We’d be happy to post this (or link to it) on the KNIME webpage!


Awsome news Michael !!

That Amazon link is just for placing pre-orders.

I’m looking forward to your book and wish you good luck.