
Dear all

I wanted to speed up my workflow by optimizing a group by action. Originally i just used the group by node and waited quite a while. therefore, i tried to solve the problem with sorting the data by the group i need, used a group loop (sorting according to that group) and ticking the "input is already sorted by group column(s)". between start and end was the same group by i used before. like this the flow was much faster and works till right before the end. then i get this error: Group Loop Start 0:568 - ERROR: Execute failed: path of workflow_repository...\KNIME_DuplicateChecker.bin (The system cannot find the file specified).

I tested this with other group bys and it worked well. However, here i get the issue with duplicatedchecker.bin, however i don't know how to interpret this message. Any experience?



It looks like some vital files in the temporary directory vanished. Maybe there is cron job or something else that deletes them?

Hi thor

Thank you for your reply. You were right, there seems to be an issue with the "temporary storing" in the temp. Our engineer told me that there is no cron job that deletes them. However, it seems that the number was the issue. I partitioned it to a lower amount and it worked well. Not sure where the limit is, but it caused this issue on my desktop and on the server (approx. 4mio rows and after groupby ~100k). It worked now with 5% and I'll further test where it "breaks".

