Knime generate codes or runable file


Knime is a really great tool.

Could knime generate java code or a jar file for a workflow? Or would we think about that? That's would be awsome if knime would embed and run on any  environment easier.That's would make knime a more powerfull tools like matlatb or labview can generate a runnable file.


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Not sure about that, but you can run workflows in batch mode.

Yes. But it cannot be embed  in other system or run in a light  cloud enviromment like some mirco service in batch mode. Would this feature help knime  reach a new stage? Perhaps.   After all knime is a really great tool.  ^_^

Been trying since last 7 months, no luck on getting KNIME job executed in batch mode.

KNIME does not generate JAVA code or .JAR file to be executed by JVM at platform independence level like other JAVA based tools like Talend