KNIME Image Processing V1.0.0

Hi all,

we are glad to announce that with yesterday's release of KNIME v2.6 ( also the first mature version of the KNIME Image Processing Extension ( is available. We made a lot of changes under the hood and from now on we will try hard to be backwards compatible whenever possible (e.g. all workflows created with nodes of a 1.*.* version of this extension can be restored with the newest version).

Furthermore, we provide the first public version (still beta) of the ImageJ2 integration ( allowing the easy creation of ImageJ2 plugins as KNIME nodes.

Additionally, we set up the OMERO integration plugin with a prototypic OMERO 4.3.2 reader. Details of the progress of the OMERO integration can be found at

Enjoy the combination of KNIME, ImgLib2, ImageJ, ImageJ2, OMERO and Bioformats altogether.

If you face any problems or have suggestions don't hesitate to contact us.


Christian, Martin & Michael Z.

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