Knime Workflow Broken

java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowContext$Factory.(Lorg/knime/core/node/workflow/WorkflowContext;)V from class org.knime.core.node.workflow.WorkflowManager

Unable to open the workflow in my workspace and I am getting this error.

  • When was the last time you were able to open it?
  • What has changed since then?
  • What version of KNIME?
  • What OS?
  • When was the last time you were able to open it: A week ago
  • What has changed since then: I added a couple of extensions
  • What version of KNIME: 3.7.2
  • What OS: Windows 10 Enterprise

Can you open any workflows?
. No: download a fresh 3.7.2, create a new workspace, import previous workflows
. Yes: create a new workspace, try importing failing workflow

Your error message hints at something that has nothing to do with a workflow in particular, but rather KNIME jars that are of mixed versions. What are the ‘couple of extensions’ which you installed?

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downloading a fresh 3.7.2, create a new workspace, import previous workflows