L2-DA Course Problem

I wanna start solving the exercises provided by you in L2-DA, i finished the basic proficiency course but I really do not understand how can I start solving the Flow Variable and Component exercise From the output table of the Processed Customer Data metanode, i can’t seem to find the processed customer data that I should resolve, in the courses you should have had guys that solve the exercises we have on the platform, not just explaining everything the app does, anyways, HOW DO I FIND WHAT TO RESOLVE.

@Andrei_Avram maybe you can take a look at this repository and see if the workflows and the data can help:

It does not work, still doesn’t run the metanode

@Andrei_Avram do you have the data? Maybe you want to download the whole workflow group like this:

Or could you give us more details about what the error message is or what you see on your screen.