Hi, After extracting Knime on Linux it opens without issue.
However if I install extensions when in the Classic UI it crashes out on restart.
It seemed to install ok and open in Modern UI. Too try to get this to work is there a setting in the .ini or ? where i can change it to open in Modern UI before re-starting the application
When it crashes it gives the attached output
knimeError.txt (4.8 KB)
Can you share the log in the knime installation folder please? As follows two examples of my Windows installation but in yours these logs should exists as well.
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@ mwiegand
The log file is attached
Since the original post also added a new post whcih may or my may not be linked ( Knime on Linux issue with blank Dialogue boxes )
I have tried mulitple differrent Browsers just in case this was the cause but results are the same which seems to point at a Linux issue
knime.log (108 Bytes)
The log is incomplete Can you try downloading Knime again please? Maybe something on the app or archive got corrupted.
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Hi, I deleted all and opened a new 5.3.2 Linux archive. Log attached
knime.log (25.0 KB)
The issue on crashing still exists as does the blank Config window for nodes.
What I have also noticed is that when i open Knime i get 2 Browser windows, If I am in Modern UI this is open in one of the windows however when i switch to Classic it opens in the other window. quite odd.
Do you have a file in the installation directory that starts with “hs_err_pid” followed by a number you can share?
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