As @agaunt has suggested you first should try the File Reader. If you still experience problems with CSV import you could try and use the Readr package in R.
I had a similar problem where there were some ‘dirty’ CSV files out of a large number of files and they were too large to just ‘edit’ them in Notepad++ (and that also was not a very nice process). I built a workflow using the R package readr, which seems to me more tolerant towards problematic CSV files and gives you some control how to handle mismatching quotes and so on. You might have to toy around with the settings of the read_delim function.
kn_example_import_csv_r_readr.knwf (52.…
The text file looks a bit challenging. Large lines with various special characters, text with commas, quotation marks and then , as column separator … what could possibly go wrong … but as usually Readr saves the day … (hopefully)
kn_example_r_readr_string_document.knwf (396.3 KB)