Merging two sheets

I am attempting to merge two sheets together; however, the columns are not always the same. I need the columns that are the same to append under eachtother and then 0’s to fill the columns that the first sheet does not have. This is my current workflow, but it keeps making duplicates of certain columns rather than concatenating them like I would like.

For example, I have 3rd Shift OT Premium and a 3rd Shift OT Premium (#1). Instead I would like those to be concatenated together

Hey @aksyracuse,

The Concatenate node aligns columns based on their names. If you want to append the columns under each other e.g. 3rd Shift OT Premium and a 3rd Shift OT Premium (#1) , then you need to rename the columns using Column Renamer Node, so that they have same name.

If columns have different names, the Concatenate node will treat them as separate columns.



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