metadata disappearance (worflow.knime)

Dear all,

Something weird happens.

In my workspace, I have several WF groups.

For my own ones, metadata disappears (workflow.knime files) but not for the SchrodingerWorkflows2013-2 group...

Consequently, I can't open my worflows, and each node in my WFs is became a worflow.

Here is the interesting line in .log file:

!MESSAGE Could not read metadata for 'MyWF'.
org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException(/home/pihan/knime_workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/MyWF/1.tree)[568]: /home/pihan/knime_workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/MyWF/1.tree (No such file or directory)

How can I retrieve or regenerate these essential files?

Thanks for helping me,


Hi Emilie,

That is indeed pretty weird!

Would it be possible for you to send us a compressed copy of your workflow group? I can send you my contact information if that is a possibility.

In the mean time, a few questions:

What version of KNIME are you using?  

Are you using the Workflow Projects view or the KNIME Explorer.  If the first, is the problem also there if you go try View > Reset Perspective?



Hi Aaron,

I am using KNIME v2.9.2.

The problem appeared when I try to copy/paste my knime_workspace to an other location. After that, as I have faced errors during the copy, I have decided to keep the old location but worflow.knime files were absent of the SOURCE directory.

The problem is still there after View-> Reset Perspective.

I can give you an example of one workflow group, in which there is one workflow that is still ok... and the other ones no. I am waiting your contact info.





Ok, it is becoming a bit more clear (maybe).  Could you try importing the workflow from the old location by right clicking on your LOCAL repository from the KNIME Explorer View and selecting Import Workflow?  I don't believe just copying the workflow over works. 



I have already tried to do this but it doesn't work.

KNIME considers each node that constitutes the WF as a WF, and not the global one as it has no information about how to link nodes (missing workflow.knime files).



Well it is very shocking to know that your metadata disappears. You should consult with some technical guys for this as soon as possible.

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