Here are a few things you can try. First thing is to increase the memory allocated to KNIME like @ipazin suggested. Also you could try and make sure the MS Access DB does not contain any unwanted garbage and is compressed (
Then you could try and deactivate the “retrieve in configuration” setting in the Connector node. If this is active it will try and make sure that every setting and column is present before you are able to access it - which is useful but might slow down or hinder things with really large databases or murky connections. The downside is you would have to know what you are doing without additional checks.
You might see if there are further tweaks to the connector settings. Especially concerning timeouts (increase the time KNIME has to finish the operation).
Also if you just want to get data from the MS Access DB without big operations. Instead of the combination:
DB Table selector -> DB Reader
you could just use:
DB Query Reader
So there would be no need for additional VIEW created.
And then you might want to make sure there is a maximum of Java Heap space available:
- So do not run any other workflows
- Make sure the workflow is as small as it gets
- maybe run a garbage collector or heavy garbage collector before the operation
Here are some further hints about KNIME and performance you might want to check out:
OK and there are some hints concerning Windows Defender in your Log. So you might also want to check if there is no aggressive virus scanner hindering your jobs.
Also you might want to set the LOG level to DEBUG and see if further hints might come up.