Modifiy CSV File

Hi ,

how can I  exclude last row from CSV Reader ?

In the template only last row has different format I would like to exclude .


MAny thanks



In the 'Advanced Options' of the File Reader, you have to go to the tab 'Limit Rows'. 

Here, you have an option that allows you to import only the first XX rows of a file.

Hope this helps.


Ah that enlightened a bulb here ;)


So if you only want to exclude the last one but don't know how much rows you have, read the file with the line reader use the extract table dimensions to get the nr of rows and finally use this (-1) as a flow variable to have only the first few rows.

Cheers, Iris

Iris Thank .

It can works .

But was not be abble to use the variable -1 , how can i do this ?

I try whit Math Formula but i did not work




I fund the solution

Used Table Column To variable