MOJOs containing special characters are not correctly read in

Hello everyone,

I have this same error with MOJO reader at the moment I want use the MOJO predictor for a table with accents, what can I do and how? Either in some configuration or using nodes in the workflow

BUG H2O MOJO Predictor - KNIME Analytics Platform - KNIME Community Forum

I’m using the last version of knime and this is what the console says:
“WARN H2O MOJO Predictor (Classification) 4:52 Table does not contain a column name ‘Dirección’”

I don’t know if this bug was fixed because that was in 2018. Here is the link of the ticket.

[PUBDEV-5946] MOJOs containing special characters are not correctly read in - JIRA (

Thank you

Hi @GonzSamp ,

Did you try the table validator node? It can help you at some cases like that. Other point is the name with accentuation. Did you try to rename it before use it into connect/import process?



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