Multiple Input to R Node (Revisited)

Hi All,

I am trying to merge in a second data set into an R calculation. It looks like there is a new node type:  (R+Table to R) that would do the trick. The first data set has length J, and the second data set has length G and I don't want to mash these together.

What is the variable name (e.g. RMODEL, RDATA, RIN??) that the "R" part (a square connector in upper left) so that I can access it in R? I can see the data file that contains it is mentioned in the log file.

I know the triangle comes in as `R', but it seems to overwrite the R input because the load statement loads the original RMODEL/RDATA/RIN as the `R' variable too.




P.S. I know others have posted a similar question, but I wish to ask again because its two years later and there seems to be this new node that could do it.



Hi Eric, that exactly the way how to use it. The new nodes allow merging additional KNIME tables onto an R workspace. The name of the variable inside R is define inside the R script. RDATA and RMODEL are only pre-defined place holders used in the R Learner and R Predictor. I have attached an example where I have a dataset A, converted into into R and merge a second one B onto the same R workspace. Hope this help.

Hi Gabriel,

Thanks for your reply.  Ah, it looks like the environment is inherited by nodes subsequently connected by the square connectors.

Hot dog!

Thanks again,


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