Multiple SF Authentication nodes pointing to different SF instances Issue

We are currently working on migrating data to a new Sales Force instance and I am using Knime 5.2.3 to connect to old and new SF instances, retrieve data from both instances in order to perform a data validation.

When using multiple SF Authenticator nodes each one pointing to a different SF instance, all the nodes will actually always connect to the latest authenticated instance. To access to the correct node, I everytime need to reset each node at once, clear credentials from the node instance, authenticate again and run descendants of that node. To get access to the other node, I need to do the same and only run the nodes following this node. This issue applies also when the SF authentication are not in the same Knime Workflow. It seems that the whole Knime software only connects to a single SF instance at a time.

I’m using OAuth2 Interactive Authentication via Google Chrome as Username + Password Authentication is not allowed in my organization. This issue is present when using Memory, Local File and Node credentials. It was also present in knime 4.

I’m attaching a screenshot from my workflow that shows how I’m approaching multiple sales Force instances to compare data

Hi @ymeknassi,

Thank you for reporting this issue! We have a ticket in progress for this: AP-18988

We will update this topic once the fix is implemented.

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