Need Help - Select rows

If you can, I ask you to help me.

In the attached table I need to filter the rows that contain the Id_product that were selected (select = 1) and,
among those who didn’t go,
the line (row) referring to the last viewing date (dt_see). Note there are products that were saw more than one time.
The original table has more than 40,000 rows and 40 columns, so I’ve simplified it to make analysis easier.
I thank you all.PLanilha knime.xlsx (12.4 KB)

Hi @NunoMR Welcome to KNIME Forum

The key to your solution is the Duplicate Row Filter node. See this worrkflow select_rows.knwf (48.0 KB).

gr. Hans


Dear Hans,
Thanks a lot for the help.
With that I can continue my study. Your contribution was very important.


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