need help to create machine learning node in workflow

I would like to create a workflow that gets inaccurate measurements from a system that have a lot of noise due to how it is reported and mix the information with some on-site measurements that I did so it creates a prediction of what is probable that the inaccurate measurements look like. I would like to apply a machine learning node, but not sure which one to use or where to start to use them

Hey there and welcome to the forum.

Have moved your post from Job Board to the general section where it is most likely that someone can help you out.

In order to help you out some more information will be helpful:

  • what is the format that needs to be read for the “system” file and for your own measurements?
  • What exactly do you mean with “mix” the information? Can you elaborate on the logic?
  • You will have the best chances of getting a good answer or solution if you can provide some example mock up data for the input as well as an example of the desired output.