Nested Metanode Templates not updateable?



I constructed a workflow that consists of several nested metanode templates. Now if I try to update the highest level of metanode I always get errors like this one:

Unable to check for update on node "Norm Split Execution 0:531:525:524:505:0:26": Can't read metanode/template directory D:\...\templates\Norm Split Execution

Isn't it possible to nest metanodes this way?

- Template 1

-- Template 2

---- Template 3

---- Template 3

-- Template 2

---- Template 3

---- Template 3

Hi stev-io,

While you can nest metanodes and create a template from that, it is not possible to nest metanode templates within other templates. The solution would be to create a template for each configuration you need.



Hi Roland,

thank you so far. Is there a more appropriate design pattern to combine "micro services" into more higher level services or are nested templates a reasonable feature for future releases?