<New User> Palladian example workflows

I downloaded the Palladian nodes and I would now like to try to run an example workflow that uses the httpretriever node. I downloaded the Palladian_Login_to_Forum as a test. However I do not know how to import this to Knime. The directory contains a workflow.knime file but if I try to point to this with File->Import Knime Workflow it does not work. Is there a veriosn issue with these examples? I am running v4.1

If you have a workflow folder, you have to click browse on the second option in the first page of the import dialog to point KNIME to the directory, not a file within it. If you have a knwf or knar file, you have to use “Open file” in that dialog.
Kind regards

Hi ihf,

I assume that you downloaded the workflows from here: https://www.knime.com/book/http-nodes

In this case, you can simply change the file extension from .zip to .knwf. You can then open the workflow via double click.

Heads up: The mentioned workflow is not quite up-to-date and targets the “old” KNIME forum (I’m not sure whether this is still online). We’re working on new example workflows currently which will be available soon. Anyways, feel free to ask any specific questions and we’ll try to help!

– Philipp

Thanks for your help. I was able to load the wf but, as pointed out by @qqilihq, it does not work with the new forum so I am learning from it but cannot execute it.

I have also tried to run the example workflow pagecrawlerwithpagination https://files.knime.com/sites/default/files/inline-images/pagecrawlerwithpagination.zip, and it also seems to have execution errors.

Thanks for letting me know – this was admittedly created ages ago and in the meantime the document structure of the example page has changed slightly. The good news: I was able to update it within a few minutes, so here’s a working version:

Have fun!

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Thanks @qqilihq! That works fine. Beginner question: when I import it, it wants me to save it first. After I do that, where is it? I thought it was being save to my local space but it does not show up in the Knime Explorer.

After saving it should up in the LOCAL section in the “KNIME Explorer”.

I typically just drag the .knwf file from the operating system’s file system to the KNIME Explorer and it will get automatically copied. I find this easier.

One thing to note for beginners: There’s this idea of a “workspace” (you were asked to select a directory on first launch of the application). This is where all your local workflows are stored.

Hope this helps!