Numeric aberration using Column Aggregator node

I am running this exact same series of nodes twice: 1) with just numeric IDs, 2) with just text descriptions of the exact same data.

On only the text run of this series, at the third Column Aggregator node (761) numbers appear at the end of my aggregated columns–but only 8 of 9 columns. These numbers are not part of any data in the system, don’t relate to any IDs I am using, and do not add up to any sum within the data. (see (1907) and (2090) in row0 and row8)

I am simply using a unique concatenate with count function in the Column Aggregator. And again, I use these exact same steps in a separate run with just my own numeric identifiers without these numeric aberrations appearing.

Any guess on what I need to clear this?

Hello @smithcreed,

that is count of empty cells in a row. You can use toNull($$CURRENTCOLUMN$$) expression in String Manipulation (Multi Column) node to replace empty cells with missing value so Column Aggregator can deal with them.


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thank you, I will apply that :slight_smile:

Hi Creed,

Please confirm once you have had a chance to test that Ivan’s fix worked so we can mark this as solved.


Hi Zack, placing string manipulation multi column before the column aggregator that was producing the errant results actually deleted all of my unique concatenate results from the prior node. so i ended up removing the string manipulation “null” function to get back to where i started. thanks

Hi Creed,

Are you still in need of help at the moment?

Yes, the first suggestion removed all counts within parentheses–not just the empty cell counts i was trying to remove at the end of each row. thanks

Hello @smithcreed,

not sure I follow. Function I recommended to use, toNull(), from String Manipulation (Multi Column) node should only replace empty string column with null i.e. missing value thus every other count should stay the same. Having missing value instead of empty string should solve your issue with numbers appearing at the end of aggregated column. However this might impact other downstream manipulations you got so either you can revert to old after Column Aggregator or modify workflow accordingly.


Hi @smithcreed,

Just checking in to see if Ivan’s solution made sense to you, and if you are still in need of help with this or if we can close this out?


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