Offline Update: KNIME Analytics Patform 3.7.0


I haven’t update KNIME for a while (my current build is Sept. 2017, 3.4.1)
I want to update KNIME offline but I can’t find the way to do it plus I get some errors.
I follow the instructions here -> Local Update Sites:
and I downloaded this zip file:
and the store zip file:
I went on FilePreferencesInstall/UpdateAvailable Software Sites and enter the path to the zip file by clicking AddArchive

After I do the following:
Clicking “File” on the menu bar and then “Install KNIME Extensions…​”.
Then I get an error “Contacting software sites” has encounter a problem. Some sites could not be found See the error log.

The error log says:
No repository found at jar:file:/C:/Users/XXXX/Downloads/Downloaded_Programs/!/.
No repository found at jar:file:/C:/Users/XXXX/Downloads/Downloaded_Programs/!/.

Could you please help.

okay. so I disabled the two ones that I was getting an error and now it seems to work.


Hello @11atzitzi,

If you are installing form your local workstation then you need to disable or delete the other entries that point to the internet or that you are not able to reach. It seems that you did that and now is working but let me know if you still not able to install what you need.
