Pass variables name and value into table column


I wondering if is there a way to pass multiple variable value and name into table column.
The names into one column and the values into another.

I’ve tried table column to variable but It not works as I want, It produces multiples columns, but I want all the names into one column and all the values into another column, like this

All that is to use the table together with the node “string replacer (dictionary)” passing value and name column in pattern column and replacement column respectively, then being able to replace string with dynamic values according to need instead of pass static values.

I’ve reading a post telling about pass variable into table column, but that way not works in my case.

For those who want something like this, I realized that using that below node combination I can reach what I want:


  1. metanode “gera var” generate the variables name and value needed

2.variable to table row set all the variables into multiple columns

3.unpivot to generate the column with the name and the column with the value from variables

4.string replacer(dictionary) to use the column names in pattern column and use the column values in replacement column



Nice! Thanks for posting what you came up with to benefit everyone.

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