Hi everyone
I use example of RNN from this forum, and try with my own data. But it does not work. Please advice me
KT_PP-G1.knwf (129.4 KB)
Hi everyone
I use example of RNN from this forum, and try with my own data. But it does not work. Please advice me
KT_PP-G1.knwf (129.4 KB)
What error(s) are you getting? Does the workflow you posted have your data? If so, can you also post the example you started with?
I have attached the file
You didn’t answer my question. Your workflow has the data stored on your local computer. Its not available in the upload. You need to store in a data folder inside your workflow so its portable. See below:
Have you solved your problem? If you still want help please follow my last post.
KTB-PG_Son.csv (11.5 KB)
Hi Friend
Very sorry for late replying your post
At follow is the data that I used
I need to predict teh data for several Month
As I asked, could you please post the original example? Did it run for you? What error(s) are you getting with your data? I’m not sure I can help you, but I’m sure I can’t help you if you don’t answer my questions.
KTB_PPFG.csv (11.5 KB)
This is the sample data
Did it run for you? If not what were the error message(s)?
Try this. I had no luck trying to create something credible with a NN. Your data has wild variations.
workflow.knwf (497.5 KB)
Hi Friend
Sorry for late replying to your post.
Thanks for the response. I will try your attachment
Did my last post work for you?
Did my workflow work for you?