Problem with uploading a Profile Picture

Dear KNIME Team Members,

I wonder whether there is a problem with the KNIME forum Account Preferences when trying to update a profile picture. Whatever the internet browser, I get always stacked with a “0% upload” message and behind the scene (ctrl-shift-I on the browser), I get always the same error message:

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Best regards,



I had the same problem updating the profile picture last week.
I finally achieved by using Gravatar option.



I updated mine shortly after New Year and had no issues. Was using Edge, uploading a 2MBish jpg. There has been a forum maintenance in the meantime though, maybe that broke something?

PS: Your Avatar looks fine. Pun intended :upside_down_face:


Hi @gonhaddock & @Thyme

Thanks for the hint @gonhaddock and @Thyme you made me laugh :rofl: !
You are both right lol but still I think it is wise to address this problem in case somebody else may want to upload a nice profile picture :wink:

Best wishes to you both :smiley: !


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Yes, it’s important to report such problems. These kind of things drives users away, especially the new ones.


I just checked and I could not change my Pic as well…

I scheduled a update for our forum, this will generate a small downtime, so we will schedule it on the weekend.


It appears Paul has just changed his profile picture. It was the default letter a moment ago and now it’s a cute puppy. :smiling_face:
@goodvirus Is that right? Just want to make sure I noticed correctly.

@Iris Thanks for your answer and for providing a solution.

Best wishes,


Hi @Thyme,

yes I did, but I used gravatar because the upload function didn’t work :slight_smile:

Ah, should have remembered that this is also an option, Gordon even mentioned it in his post. Sometimes I’m noticing too many details.

Oder wie man bei uns sagt: Ich hör’ das Gras wachsen! :sweat_smile:

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Please look at the extension of the profile picture you want to upload check and make sure it does correspond with the required extension type.

@fbayor1 please read the different previous posts here. You will see that there is a problem with the uploading of images, verified and confirmed by KNIME Team member @Iris and several other users.

Thanks @Iris for having fixed this :grinning: !
Best wishes,



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