Problems using CSV Reader reading from Google Cloud Storage


I’m spending a lot of time trying to get CSV Reader to work properly when connected to a Google Cloud Storage service, but I’m still facing the challenge of the Transform tab absent.

It causes big troubles with data types, and now I am in a very, very strange situation.

I have a STRING column called Location that has numbers such as 00465, 08765, 19872, etc. from two different CSV files. One, the CSV Reader treats it as STRING (thanks God), and the other treats it as INTEGER and cuts the left zeros.

I tried to convert INTEGER to STRING, but I don’t have the left zeros. Worst: even if you try to change the type by pressing the mouse’s right button on the header, you don’t have the STRING option, so it is useless.

I’m stuck!

I have four CSV Readers in parallel, and for each one, I needed to make transformations of the types, adding more steps to the process.

It is a big issue!

Why is the tab “Transform” disabled?

Someone needs to fix it.

Screenshot 2024-11-29 112822

I did some research in the forum, and I found some people with other issues using CSV Reader and changing it to File Reader.

I found an option to change for STRING there, and I’m testing it.

However, the question remains: why is the Transform tab disabled?