Pulling files from a server

Hi all,

Is there a way in KNIME to let KNIME read files from a server? And make it change automaticly the selected file to a newer version when it's uploaded?

For examaple, a folder contains Example_01.xls. And when I add "Example_02.xls" to the same folder and run the KNIME workflow that KNIME selects "Example_02.xls" automaticly?



Hi Marc,

about which kind of server are you talking?

In case of an HTTP server where directory listing is enabled, you might simply parse the returned HTML page using the HtmlParser and XPath nodes (XML and Palladian plugins) with the directory content and select the file you need.

For FTP, there are some dedicated nodes which should help, but I have never used them.


Hi Philipp,

it's on a sharepoint. So I am not sure if I am using the correct definition for a server.


Hi Marc,

sorry, I'm not familiar to Sharepoint at all, but the following information might help answering your question: Is the server mounted through the filesystem? (i.e. can you access it through your system's file manager Explorer/Finder/etc.)

In that case, you could simply rely on the "List Files" node to list all files withing the specific directory, apply some sorting if necessary and select the n-th listed file from the table.
