Python Extension not recognizing Anaconda environment in Knime 3.7

sorry to hear that it is still not running. I still think you would have to make sure you have a ‘clean’ Anaconda managed Python installation. You could try:

  • reinstall a py36_knime environment via the Anaconda navigator like I showed in the screenshots above
  • update the py36_knime environment explicitly using the .yml file from the official installation guide *1) (
  • always test the script “” mentioned above
  • maybe install Spyder in the py36_knime environment and try a few small commands to see if the Python environment does work at all
  • try to activate the py36_knime environment via Anaconda Navigator and see if that makes any difference
  • I am not sure about the .bat file if that is necessary and working, try both. .bat file and Python.exe directly
  • try installing additional packages strictly via Anaconda

I fear you have to do some trial and error to come up with a solution that does work.

source activate py36_knime
conda env update -f=/Users/m_lauber/Downloads/py36_knime.yml