Python Snippet failed

I have python 2.7.2 installed and it works.

Community project 09904001_PythonScripting failed on Python Snippet node.  Error: python snippet execute failed: java.lang.runtimeexception: cannot run program "python": createprocess error=2, the system cannot find the file specified.

Any idea? do I need configuring?

Kind regards


From what I understand, python needs to be installed on a windows machine.
There all also settings in preferences/knime/python which may help in specifying the desired path of the python executable.


Thanks, I am running windows, it is the python path that is cocking up, default setting wouldn't work. Now I have pointed it to the right exe file and python snippet is working now.


Hi Wei_Cheng I have same problem here but could not solve it yet.

Could you explain further how you made it?

HI @asenkron -

This is a pretty old topic, and things have changed quite a bit with our Python integration over time. Have you checked out the documentation for setting up Python to work with KNIME?

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I couldn’t have solved same issue by that time. But now I have right Anaconda environment installed and smoothly running Python script in Knime.

Thanks for reply.