Quickform Node and Passwords?

I would like to prompt the user to login to a database using the quick form nodes.  I can use the string input quick form node to ask for the username, but there isn't a special quick form node for passwords.  I could of course use another string input, but this would make this password visible on the screen.  Is there a way to mask the input?

Try the "Credentials Input" quickform node.

Which KNIME version is the node available?  I am working with 2.11.3 and this node is not available?

I run 3.1.1 and I have them available. Under workflowcontrol - Quickforms - Input.

They were introduced in KNIME 3.1.0.

Note that an update from 2.x to 3.x is not possible due to changes in the core of the software. Please download KNIME Analytics Platform 3.1.1 from the website.