R 3.3.2 is not working

Hi Guys!

I installed the new R version 3.3.2 and since them, I can't run my workflows and even simple RPlots.

Any tips?

Do I need to change something in Knime Preferences? 


Hi Fabio,

Can you please check if your KNIME is pointing to your new R installation? You can find the path in Preferences -> KNIME -> R



Hi Roland!

I really don't know what I did but now its working again.

Only to be clear...I installed the new R 3.3.2 and in Knime preferences I point the PATH TO R HOME: C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2 

I also point R-Scripting LOCATION OF R ON YOUR COMPUTER: C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\bin/RGui.exe

Is it correct? Do I need to change something?

Thank you



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