R (interactive): Error in identical(simplify, FALSE)


I try to get the interactive R nodes working. Im using Knime 2.9.2 and R 3.0.3 on a Linux 64bit system.

Whenever editing an interactive R node, I get the following error on the node's R console:

Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5

This error is repeated 4 times when opening an interactive R node for editing the R code.

When I run any R command within this node, I get this same error again, together with a reference to the functions "png" and "dev.off" that could not be found:

Error: could not find function "png"
> sin(0)
[1] 0
Error: could not find function "dev.off"
Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5
Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5

Moreover, no package except "base" seems to be available to R:

Error: could not find function "png"
> median(c(1,10))
Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5
Error: could not find function "median"
Error: could not find function "dev.off"
Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5
Error in identical(simplify, FALSE) : 
  7 arguments passed to .Internal(identical) which requires 5

(The sin() function is from the "base" package, while median() is from the "stats" package.)

Running R directly on the shell is no problem, everything works just fine.

Has anybody else encountered this problem before? Any hints how to solve it?

Best, Andreas



Just compared the interactive R Snippet with the old R Snippet and surprisingly found that the old node seems to work well!

I pointed both plugins to the same R installation in the Knime preferences. When using the same R code for both nodes, the old one runs perfectly, while the interactive one shows the above described problem.
My test code was just

R <- sin(0)

for the old node and

knime.out <- sin(0)

for the interactive one, respectively. The old one returns the following (correct) table:

Row id x
1 0

In contrast, when evaluating this script within the interactive one, the mentioned error messages show up in the R console. When trying to execute the node, I get the following error on the Knime console:

ERROR     R Snippet                          java.lang.IllegalStateException: Execution of R script failed:   leere (Null Bytes) Eingabedatei
ERROR     R Snippet                          Execute failed: Execution of R script failed:   leere (Null Bytes) Eingabedatei

where "leere Eingabedatei" means "empty input file".



Can you try "knime.out <- as.data.fame(sin(0))"?  The new KNIME R nodes use data frames as inputs and outputs. 



Hi Aaron,

there's no difference between sin(0) and as.data.frame(sin(0)). I still get all the errors described in the first post.


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