R Library on os x

I'm trying to run R from within Knime on os x. I think I've correctly added the R library path as /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Libraries/i386/libR.dylib. However when i create a local R snippet node Knime complains with the following non-descriptive error:

Execute failed: Execution of R script failed: #############################################

Can someone point me in the right direction here?

On Mac OS X it should be sufficient to set the "Path to R Executable" to /usr/bin/R in the KNIME preferences. You can verify this path by typing  which R  in the Terminal.


Thanks, that did the trick!

This do not work for me. When I use in preferences the path obtained with "which R" it returns me the error "The selected path is not a director"

I still not able to run r in Knime on my OS X 

Any other ideas?

Hey @mauro.nogueira!

which R determines the location of the executable, not the R home directory. You can find the R home directory by running R.home() inside R.

Cheers, Jonathan.

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